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The unique service delivery methodology is focussed on the optimisation of organisations

5 Services for an Organisation Optimisation Initiative is shown below

Optimisation Change Planning and Execution requires knowledge of the SUCCESS CRITERIA the optimisation effort should focus on. Zeta proposes a "systems thinking" approach where the organisation is seen as a "complex adaptive system" with many interdependent components that should always be aligned.

Zeta's view of critical success criteria for an organisation is shown in the figure below:

service descriptions

The zeta services enables management to understand their current strengths and weaknesses; and, plan and execute required optimisation strategies

service 1 - Model and Framework Design

A starting point for any optimisation exercise is a complete understanding of the strengths and weaknesses off the internal environment (business- and operating models); and,

the threats and opportunities in the external environment (such as competitors, customers, etc.). 

Architectural views and financial models provides an understanding of environments and the characteristics thereof. Frameworks indicates the interrelationships between models.

This service is used at the beginning of the optimisation exercise, and then again when to-be strategic plans are created. To-be models assists with option comparisons and impact analysis studies.

service 2 - Business and Operating Model Evaluation and Definition

An optimisation exercise identify the component characteristics of the organisation that needs to be improved.

Root causes for current strengths and weaknesses are analysed and potential solutions are modelled (service 1).

Solutions are compared to each other and once the best fit solution has been found the resulting changes to the Business- and Operating Models of the organisation are defined and prioritised for implementation.

service 3 - IT and Digital Transformation Strategies

IT is an organisational resource that supports operational delivery. 

The IT strategy must incorporate changes to the current IT landscape to enable the changes specified during optimisation exercise.

Digital Transformations Strategies includes new ways of using information and technologies within the organisation to achieve competitive efficiencies for the organisation. 

It is critical that these requirements are incorporated as part of a holistic IT strategy for the organisation.

service 4 - Manage Collaborative Delivery

Optimisation programme execution requires a variety of skills - from consultants and employees.

They all need to operate as a single team to implement the changes to the interdependent components referred to the in the optimisation plan for the business- and operating model of the organisation.

The collaboration between all players needs to be carefully managed to ensure efficient and effective delivery of programme objectives by an experienced party that have a systems view of all the changes and related interdependencies.

service 5 - Organisation Optimisation Training

Training can be provided on the execution of any of services as mentioned above.

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service deliverable examples:
The Advisory Frameworks section provides examples of service deliverables that are created
service bookings:
Confirmation of Service Bookings will be confirmed via email.
Service Bookings is used to scope service requirements from where proposals for service delivery will be created.
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